Fantastic Provision


Faith is expressed in many simple ways.  Did you know you can become rich in faith by simply giving away your worry?  Anything that ranges from a slight concern to an overwhelming burden can be taken by prayer to the cross and forever left there.  It is the Lord Jesus who gives trust and gentle rest to those who leave their cares with the One who will do something about them?  This frees us to enjoy life and be that delightfully happy and positive person we have always dreamt of being.  “Don’t worry about anything instead pray about everything; tell God your needs and don’t forget to thank him for his answers.  If you do this you will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand.  His peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ Jesus.”  Phil 4:6, 7

Remember that in life humans can play only a small part in fixing problems.  We never understand adequately either the beginning or the end of a matter.  Our perception is always limited.  How little we really see!  Wouldn’t you want the one who comprehends the complete picture to act upon it?  May we allow God to take his rightful place as God of all.  The scripture tells us to pray without ceasing.  Can we more readily discern why prayer is so essential in a Christian’s daily life?  It is always there, this fantastic provision.  “…Don’t worry about having enough food and clothing.  But your heavenly Father already knows perfectly well that you need them…”  Matt 6:31, 32   Go ahead, pray about your needs.

Pray for God to give you every good and excellent thing necessary for life and while you’re at it pray about your future.  “So don’t be anxious about tomorrow.  God will take care of your tomorrow too.”  Matt 6:34   We also have deep concerns for others, the valuable and precious people of the world.  As you live your life God is working behind the scenes orchestrating and answering your prayers.  “And if we really know he is listening when we talk to him and make our requests, then we can be sure that he will answer us.”  1 John 5:15   Our worries are transformed into a wonderful world of wholehearted trust when we let God be the Perfect Provider.

Click here to read another blogger’s thoughts about standing in God’s grace.

Click here to read this prayer from Genesis.

Top 20 Movie Stars of All Time

Mary’s Monday Matinee- Mary is my youngest daughter. Some wonderful pictures here.

Mary's Monday Matinee

  1. Fred Astaire (favorite film- Swing Time)astaire-nevergetrich
  2. Ginger Rogers (The Major and the Minor)ginger-rogers-hair-mid-1930s
  3. Jimmy Stewart (It’s a Wonderful Life)DBRnR67M4oofr1ucOzJVQSXLo1_1280
  4. Jean Arthur (The Devil and Miss Jones)jean

  5. Judy Garland (Meet Me in St. Louis)MovieLife800.43144421_std
  6. Cary Grant (Holiday)cary-grantsweater-crop
  7. Humphrey Bogart (The African Queen)casablanca_poster
  8. Claudette Colbert (It Happened One Night)Claudette_Colbert_Colorized_6_by_ajax1946
  9. Katharine Hepburn (The African Queen)kate-sitting
  10. Doris Day (Calamity Jane)Annex - Day, Doris_05
  11. Errol Flynn (The Adventures of Robin Hood)

    Errol Flynn - by George Hurrell 1938. Scanned by jane for Dr. Macro's High Quality Movie Scans website: Enjoy! Errol Flynn – by George Hurrell 1938. Scanned by jane for Dr. Macro’s High Quality Movie Scans website: Enjoy!

  12. Clark Gable (Mutiny on the Bounty)divo_clark_gable_01
  13. Mickey Rooney (Love Finds Andy Hardy)MV5BMTk3MjgyMDYxOV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNjA1NTkxMTE@._V1_SY317_CR0,0,214,317_AL_
  14. Gary Cooper (Friendly Persuasion)cp
  15. Shirley Temple (The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer)01_ShirleyTemple021214_750x_12489647_8col
  16. Irene Dunne (The Awful Truth)the-awful-truth
  17. Gregory Peck (The Guns of Navarone)Gregory-Peck-classic-movies-6711637-1372-1800
  18. William Holden (The Counterfeit Traitor)william-holden
  19. Hayley Mills (The Parent Trap)51dQIWMr-hL._SX425_
  20. Red Skelton (A Southern Yankee)N1FLF00ZThese are my personal favorites.  Everyone’s list is so wonderfully unique.  Who are your favorites?  Click here to…

View original post 26 more words

Enter In

Everything in life is useful and able to teach us God’s wisdom.  God can even speak to us through gates and doors.  Isn’t it exciting to look around you, to come alive to all the object lessons of life?  This is truly a big part of enjoying the life we have been given.  Learning is fun.  Let’s continue to walk together through a world God shows us.  It is still a wonderful world!

“Open the gates to everyone, for all who enter in who love the Lord.” Is 26:2IMG_0981“But when you pray, go away by yourself, all alone, and shut the door behind you…” Matt 6:6IMG_0968“…Praying also for us, that God would open unto us a door of utterance to speak the mystery of Christ.” Col 4:3IMG_0940“Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise; be thankful unto him, and bless his name.”  Ps 100:4IMG_0976“Look! I have been standing at the door and I am constantly knocking.  If anyone hears me calling him and opens the door, I will come in and fellowship with him and he with me.”  Rev 3:20IMG_0877IMG_0878 IMG_0876“Yes, I am the gate.  Those who come in by way of the gate will be saved…”  John 10:9IMG_0480Click here to see delightful baby photos by Bree.

Click here to see another blogger’s beautiful photos of blooming trees.

Baya the Beloved



This is the true story of Baya the Bunny.  Baya is a girl with a past.  She was a bunny who had once been abandoned.  She also has a crippled leg.  A few years ago she was given to my grand-daughter Anna but ended up being cared for by my daughter Rachel when Anna married.  Baya was pretty skittish and standoffish from the beginning.  She didn’t want to come out of her cage and would just stare off into space for hours on end.  Baya didn’t like to be picked up or held.  She was just a loner.  Could a bunny be described as unable to give and receive love?

Then one day, about a month ago, Baya developed stroke-like symptoms.  Her head tilted to the side and her legs would no longer support her so Rachel took her to the vet.  The doctor was very kind and concerned for her welfare.  She thought Baya may have acquired a brain infection and so the bunny was put on antibiotics.

Amazingly, there are new developments for Baya.  She seems to understand her need for help.  She now allows others to hold her and she loves to be petted.  Rachel even does physical therapy on the bunny’s little legs.  Rachel’s husband Shawn also does much of the bunny’s care including cleaning her matted and soiled fur.  When she was taken back to the vet for a checkup the doctor said she would not get better and recommended euthanasia (their word).  Rachel and Shawn said, “no!”  Rachel had discovered a website that explains the signs that show if a bunny wants to live.  Baya still can’t stand but she’s eating very well and grooms herself showing she is entering into life.

For Rachel, who has a chronic illness, loving Baya has been a window into the heart of God’s love.  Just because living creatures are reduced in their abilities and cannot perform as they once did is no reason to diminish their worth.  In God’s eyes we all have permanent value.  He teaches us wonderful lessons about love, His kind of unconditional love.  “For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly.”  Romans 5:6

Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care.”  Matthew 10:29  Thank you God for not only seeing every sparrow that falls but caring about a little bunny named Baya.  She is no longer Baya the Bashful but Baya the Beloved.

Click here to read about an inspiring dog named Pegasus.

Click here to see a fun video about talented dogs.