
Kaboom Bomb

Who is God?  He is the Creator Ruler and for His children, He is life itself.  “…The man who finds life will find it through trusting God.”  Rom 1:17   In our world, God is not given the proper place of honor and esteem that is rightfully His alone.  “We should give God the same place in our hearts that He holds in the universe.”  Anonymous   “Tell the nations that Jehovah reigns!  He rules the world.  His power can never be overthrown.”  Ps 96:10

It’s so amazing to know that God has everything under control.  Our burdens are never too much for God to carry and our problems are never beyond His understanding and ability to solve.  Everyone has many difficult questions about life, perhaps too many to count.  “I had a thousand questions to ask God but when I met Him they all fled and didn’t seem to matter.”  Christopher Morley   One day when we stand before God we will be overcome by His incomparable beauty, wisdom, and perfect justice.

America, our beloved country, how far have we fallen?  Do we really believe we can leave God behind and still expect to succeed?  “What fools the nations are to rage against the Lord!  How strange that men should try to outwit God!  … ‘Come let us break His chains’, they say, ‘and free ourselves from all this slavery to God’.  But God in heaven merely laughs.  He is amused by all their puny plans.”  Ps 2:1, 3, 4  We trust God because in His perfection He is able to accurately judge all mankind.  “He will judge you with perfect justice for everything you do.”  1 Pet 1:17   All His judgments are spot on.  His laws are established in love and provide great mercy for our weaknesses.  Perhaps the greatest reason to honor the Almighty God is that He provides a way to escape our perpetual bent toward self-destruction.  “…God called you out of the darkness into His wonderful light.”  1 Pet 2:9

Life can be like maneuvering through a large mine field.  Without direction from the One who knows all the dangers, “Ka-boom!”  Today, will you seek to truly value the sweet and powerful name of God?  May He grant you the personal revelation that you can’t live apart from Him.

Click here to read another blogger’s inspirational thoughts about seeing God.

Click here to read another blogger’s insights into trusting Jesus.


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