A Raging Fire


    “The great need of the world today is the spiritual power necessary for the overthrow of evil.”  William Bryan   This is a great concern to us as believers.  So why are we not afraid of evil?  Instead of turning in repulsion and disgust we tend to steel ourselves against the onslaught as if we could just toughen up to the evil.  Friends, evil destroys and yet countless individuals, especially our youth, flock to movies, concerts, read books, and watch tv shows that exalt evil.  Is it any surprise that the moral fiber of our nation is being dramatically eroded?  John Geikie shares this vital insight.  “Our character is but the stamp on our souls of the free choices of good and evil we have made through life.”   III John:11 reminds us of our goal as believers.  “Follow only what is good.  Remember that those who do what is right prove that they are God’s children, and those who continue in evil prove that they are far from God.”

    We desperately need an effective strategy to combat evil.  This begins through a knowledge of the reality and ever present force of evil.  Evil is defined as that which is wrong according to our God-given conscience.  It is also corruption, immorality, destruction and demonic.  Satan and his demons preside over a kingdom so insidious, deceptive and treacherous that words can not accurately portray the sorrow and misery they pour upon mankind.  Whatever power the enemy exerts over us cannot dim the hope in our great champion Jesus Christ, who has already conquered sin, death, and evil.  Jesus Christ, the supreme victor, has subdued the world and all its darkness. “In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world.” John 16:33  No matter how deep the trial or struggle, God’s Word declares, “Thou art my hope in the day of evil.”  Jeremiah 17:17 “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.”  Psalms 23:4

    We can no longer dismiss the evil that is consuming our nation, our world.  It is a raging fire that devours everyone in its path.  We would do well to remember these words of Martin Luther King Jr, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” “Hate what is wrong, stand on the side of the good.”  Romans 12:9   Dear Christian, Jesus is asking us to become the world’s salt and light before it is too late.  Our godly lives in motion are the spiritual power necessary for the overthrow of evil.

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